- Take a skiing lesson.
- Decide if I like skiing.
- Swim with bioluminescent plankton.
- Tap dance again.
- Write a novel.
- Publish a book.
- Go to Thailand and stay in one of those thatch-y huts on the impossibly turquoise water.
- Play the piccolo part of The Star Spangled Banner with a band.
- Be able to jump once on, and not fall off of, a slack line.
- Figure out if I want to be a mother.
- Steel hook crochet a bedspread.
- Do the splits.
- Take my niece to NYC for a girl's weekend.
- Be a guest on NPR.
- Get a public library on the Navajo reservation.
- Write and illustrate a children's book with Cheryl.
- Meet Judy Blume.
- Shoot a handgun.
- Learn Claire de Lune and be able to play it from memory.
- Have my own vegetable garden for at least one season.
- Live in a house that has a deep violet wall again.
- Read every book that Rory Gilmore fictitiously read.
- Give yoga a legitimate opportunity to join my life (one class once a week for one year).
- Publish something in The New York Times.
- Take my Dad on a trip to Europe.
- Attend a Britney Spears concert.
- See lions in the wild.
- Jump waves naked.
- Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and spend the night there.